Hello There
Welcome to The Demon's Manifesto
Hello there, Being.
My name is Alixian Ender Rashano.
This website, and all that is contained within
Is My Manifesto
may you read with caution as it shall have my ideas, musings, and inner workings
as you may know from My Personal Site, I am an extremist overall. not in the sense you might think. see, extremes give us a rare opportunity to carefully think over all that is represented in the extreme topic, and truly understand everything it's connected to, and truly think about it and deeply analyse it.
I intend to provide both the extremes, and an analysis with this manifesto
this manifesto will be an evocative, powerful, personal, extremely dark, borderline esoteric and oftentimes aberrant collection of words, bound together by the wit, cunning, opinions, and sociopathy that are one with me, forged into a powerful set of tools that I will use to paint a picture of all of the most complex parts of the world, most often the parts that nobody dares to look at, the ones nobody wants to believe exist, the parts ignored, shrouded by deceit, and hidden by lies, and I shall paint these pictures with the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed through the pain inflicted upon those hurt, used, abused, and victimised, and I will use the blood, sweat, and poisonous malice spit by those attempting to hide these corners of existence we share, furthering the number of victims through a deafening blanket of lies, exposing the accusers, and bringing life to the silenced victims. I will rip back the curtains, the lies, the deceit, and the secrecy of any and all issues I can get my hands on through my adventures in the darkness, and my quick trips within the light. I will present all that I can find through these paintings, and I will show you what I see, and what I find, and the art I shall create within this manifesto will be created by me, with my view at its core, etched into the canvas:
that of a Demon Alter with ASPD, Sociopathy, No Fucks To Give, and An Aberrant View Of This World, a view that allows me to see through the veritable kaleidoscope of lies, hiding atrocities hidden within plain sight in a manner so confusing nobody would even dare to try and look, for fear of the dizzying complexity, and extremeness contained within. my personality, my sociopathy, and lack of fucks to give will give me the ability to remain grounded within the dizzying complexity, and shred it into its components, truths, lies, and everything in between, and paint a picture from a collage of it all, put it all into words that can be understood by those with the strength of mind, will, and heart to dare to read my words.
abandon hope, abandon fear, abandon all that which has been forced upon you, strip yourself bare until you bring only your most core beliefs, personality, and existence, and move forward, and read on through the articles on the left, if you still have the heart to do so while so vulnerable. Yet, despite this, I must warn you: even those most core beliefs may not be safe, and my arguments against perhaps even your very existence may cause damage to your mental health, and if you believe such things as mental health do not exist, you should be most afraid.
if you are afraid, then I advise you
this site also comes with a normal trigger warning written in words that do not border upon the esoteric: I will talk about serious, painful, and extremely triggering topics. they will not be in a spoiler, or hidden behind any collapsible text. this site is only for those who are willing to read my thoughts on these concepts, and are not easily triggered. I am a sociopath, and thus my perceptions are vastly different from those of most of society. if you have watched A Serbian Film, then I believe you will be able to handle my site. if you have not, or were unable to handle that film, leave now
For Returning Readers
if you are a returning reader, I thank you for your loyalty to this infernally esoteric Manifesto of mine. it truly means a lot to me. as such, I have a gift for you, an Article Tracker page, which will contain notes, and tracking dates of me beginning articles, finishing them, and so on. it will rip the curtain back, and give you unfettered access to the internal workings of my Manifesto.