Fear & Respect
Temporary & Eternal
should we strive to earn our Creator's respect, or their fear? should we strive to earn the love of our Creator, or to earn their hate? should we strive to earn the respect of other people, or their fear? should we strive to earn the love of other people, or to earn their hate?
these four questions and the concepts they intertangle with will make you question your religion, and your beliefs on how you walk this world, your interactions with others, and it will rupture the floodgates of thought, doubt, imagination, and disbelief in all these beliefs, making you question them, and at the end, you may believe them stronger, as perhaps you are a true believer, or perhaps you will burn whatever book you considered holy as you believe it to be nothing but infernal lies, strung together with cultish belief after reading this article.
if this concept scares you, run back to whatever book you consider "holy", as this article will likely blaspheme the words of every page, regardless which it is. it will rend words from their speaker, and rive the minds of those who are but a curse upon this land due to their religion, and as such, leave them nothing but victims hurt a thousandfold for their previous actions, further solidifying the destruction of their beliefs that have pushed them to inflict hate.
oh? you're still reading? well, this shall be fun.
the first thing I figure we should address is the question of whether we should earn the respect of others, or their fear, for this question is one that is assembled to decieve.
the correct answer is both. you should strive to earn the respect of those whom you respect in turn, or will respect in turn, and earn the fear of everyone else. become a terror to your enemies, become a nightmare to those who've wronged you, and when you take revenge, reduce that person to nothing but a cautionary tale, teaching others that they should either earn your respect, or fear you, and that there is no in between, no other selectable option, it is but a binary choice in regards to you.
the reason for this is if you are only feared and respected, who will disrespect you? only people who earn your revenge and become but a cautionary tale to others, making them, and all those around them, fear you. if you are respected, will people wrong you? no, not if they have any conceptions of honour, respect, or understanding of those whom are different than them, and if they do not respect you, they will fear you as they know you would hate them, effectively barring them from daring to approach you, thus keeping them out of your life and sparing you the exhaustion of expelling them through revenge. if you are feared, then, the person fearing you will stay away, and run and hide, and everyone who tries taking their side, standing alongside them, are nothing but simpering dogs standing alongside the scared cat that ran from your bark, a bark that declares all that you believe, all that you agree with, all that you stand for, disagree with, and hate, and solidifies who you are to all those who hear it. that is what this Manifesto is, my Demonic bark, one that is deafeningly loud to anyone who hears, or in this case reads, my Manifesto, and declares my being to this world. So, if you are feared, anyone who heard your bark, or hears what it contained, will know why the terrified cat ran, and can clearly, and decisively decide if they wish to be your friend, and earn your respect, or if they wish to fear you and run, becoming a coward themselves, or align themselves with a similar coward, simpering and begging for scraps of loyalty. it is an effective strategy in life, and it will expose your truest friends, and your most degenerate enemies in a very swift fashion, and it has saved me countless headaches. many people do not like it, in fact many hate it, but they do so because they know that I dislike them from my bark, and they have chosen to try and stand up and fight me, which, while bold, is misguided and foolish as they are but maggots to be stepped upon in my eyes, and I will stomp them out as I walk on in life.
the next question we ought to address is if we should earn the love, or hate of those around us, and see, this question is yet another, designed to trick and misguide you.
the correct answer is that we should strive to earn neither one, as it is foolish to do so
see, striving to earn love? that's desperate, pathetic, and also tiring, and pointless. the truest love comes by chance, the truest connections come from those you least expect them with, the best friends you will ever have come from those you are unsure about, the deepest love you find is with the last person you expected to feel it for.
striving to earn hate however, well, this merely makes you an awful person, one that is nothing but a stain upon this plane of existence we share, deserving of the most hate, and worst wishes, and makes you nothing but garbage to be burned in a dumpster fire.
and yet, this question is still not properly answered, and you may feel it has been, but that is where you are wrong:
the one thing every living thing should strive to earn is their own personal satisfaction and gratification, in any and all regards, they should only strive to earn the best and most enjoyable life, and time on this plane of existence as they can.
see, if you worry about others opinions of you, you give them power, you give their opinions, their words power, and that gasses their egos, and builds them up on a pedestal of hate until one day, it finally is set alight by someone meaner than them, exploding in a fireball of hydrogen, sending them plummeting like the Hindenburg down the downward spiral of death through degrading mental health and suicidality, which means you may have been one domino in the path leading to their suicide, which is not something you want to think about, even if that is just a chance, and not actually your fault. instead you should ignore them, be the stone wall they can do nothing but beat their fists against, laughing as you see them try and try and try and yet fail repeatedly. take satisfaction as the people who hate you do nothing but bloody their knuckles against your immovable will, and eventually start walking away as they realize they have shed blood, whereas you have not, ever wiser to not attempt to hurt you, and perhaps wise enough to not hurt anyone else going forward either, making them better, perhaps enough to earn your friendship and respect later, should they employ the same methods, potentially being one of your truest friends by pure chance.
and as for your own personal satisfaction, well that is up to you. is that getting and being rich? is that having the most lustful sex? is it having the deepest and most boundless love? is it being a devoted follower of your chosen religion? is it all of the above, or none of the above? then do that. do what makes you happy. do what brings you gratification, joy, happiness. your life is your own, you are a captain upon the ship of your life, so sail for open water and enjoy the freedom that is the ocean of life, feel your joy and happiness and enjoyment of life fill your sails with more wind, building up and propelling you forward in life faster and faster, and perhaps, one day, when you've gained enough experience, take on a new challenge, and sail into the eye of a hurricane, braving the rough seas, the work, the time sink, and everything, coming out the other side, drenched, smelling of salt and seawater, knowing you survived, and made it, not only stronger, but wiser too, truly proving to yourself, and everyone around you just how powerful you are.
live on, and live fully
the next question in this set of 4 that I will address is if we should earn the love or hate of our Creator, our God, or our Deity, whoever that may be. in my case, that would be the concept/being, Lucifer. in some cases, you may believe it's God, or perhaps The Fates, The Universe itself, or potentially something else, regardless, if you are religious or spiritual in any way, these last two questions will connect with you, if not, well, I encourage you to read them regardless.
the correct answer to this question is an elusive one, one that is entirely outside what you may expect
we should strive to earn our creator's spite as it is a wish to inflict difficulty upon us, a wish to cause us irritation, and shows that we are a thorn within their side, and we should strive to earn their insecurity as it is a signifier that they are less than us, or they feel so, and shows us we are powerful, and reminds us of our power within our lives.
we should strive to earn their spite as we prove them wrong, prove we are better than them, prove to them that they created us, but we defined ourselves, they brought us into this world, but we have lived it, adapted to it, connected with it, and survived it. we should earn their spite as we defy them in pursuit of our own personal happiness, our own joy, our success, and/or our own enjoyment of this life they have given us. we should earn their spite as we do everything they intended for us not to, as a glorious act of defiance just for the fuck of it.
we should strive to earn their insecurity as they realize they are inferior, as they question their ability to have made us right, to have done right by us, forcing them to feel humility, as they have not played a hand in who we are, merely brought us into existence. we should earn their insecurity as they wonder if they are good enough for us, as we surpass their successes, as we become better than they ever were, and become everything they never were, and better in every way, all in the name of our own enjoyment, and will to embarrass our creator.
we should do all this to change the world we live in around us, to change our lives, and to be a force to be reckoned with as our Creator can do nothing but watch our power grow.
and for the final question: should we strive to earn our Creator, or God, or Deity's fear, or respect?
the correct answer is that we should strive to earn their submission, as they bow to us, our will, our wants and pursuit of our own personal enjoyment in this life, and do so out of fear of what we will do should they prove to be in our way. we should also strive to earn their encouragement as we pave our own path within this world, plotting a course through life, eternally trailblazing and changing the world they have created, and earning their respect along the way.
we should strive to earn our Creator's submission out of fear as it shows we are powerful, and that we can become as Gods, Goddesses, and Deities, as it shows we have power, and it shows we will be bowed down to, and reminds us of our power, and also our responsibility, the responsibility of self control, because as we walk this life, we should not harm or hurt those who do not deserve it, however we should show those who do deserve it a wrath that would make the combined wrath of every deity look like a swarm of kindergartners fighting one another with pencils, thoroughly smiting any and all who deserve it, and reducing them to nothing, showing our Creator why they fear us as we live on.
we should strive to earn our Creator's encouragement as we make our own way in life, bashing down walls, carving through mountains, and slicing through swaths of woods on the path to our own utmost personal enjoyment within this life, regardless of obstacles, challenges, people, or beings in our way, we shall push past them, and if something is in the way, we should batter it down, and if required, crush it underfoot, regardless of who or what it is. if we encounter a door and cannot find the key, we should smash it with the might of our Creator's cheers behind that swift destruction, and earn our Creator's respect as it falls, as nothing but a splintered wreck upon the floor, walking over it to live fully.
your Creator brought you into this world, but this world is yours, make it what you wish, and make your Creator bow before you in both fear, and respect, as you do so.