Labels; Good & Evil
look at the image above, what do you see? perhaps glass shattered? perhaps it means something more?
it does
it shows us that while the glass is shattered, and there's missing pieces, what remains is still all one piece. just as society is. society has allowed holes to be formed within the weave of humans that live upon this earth, to condemn, vilify, and abandon those they deem as unfit, allowed them to be dropped from what society considers its own, as part of the human race, as accepted. and yet they so often forget: those pushing these things are but sharp, vile, and dangerous beings that live on the edge of societal damnation, never refraining from cutting those who attempt to crawl back into society as one with it, ready to spear them mercilessly as so many do. crudely, and savagely enforcing the condemnation of them from society, and yet, they are close to the edge themselves, and they may become too dark, too cruel to be considered part of society, and may be dropped from the cloth, from the surface, into the hell that is societal damnation, and erasure, as they became too vile to be a part of society at large, and yet, all that does is move the edge further back, forcing more and more members of society to be the guards upon the edge, the sharp, snake-tongued guards to the pits of societal damnation, preventing those who have been condemned from crawling back from the tortured, erased, and victimised pit they were cast into by the masses so long ago, or perhaps, all too recently. and eventually these guards too shall be dropped from society, or perhaps their children, or their grandchildren, but it will come for those of their bloodline, further moving the edge back, further encroaching upon what society deems acceptable, and accepted. at what point will there be nothing left? at what point will society have destroyed itself? at what point will those condemned to societal damnation be able to meet their accusers? the ones who watch from the sidelines and push the people with hearts full of hate for all towards the edge, to guard it, and one day fall in themselves, the puppet masters, the god-like controllers of the systems of oppression, conflict, hate, strife, and control in this world, the ones who think themselves superior, but prove through their actions they are far worse than those they vilify.
this question is eternal, and one day, we will be forced to find the answer, even if many of those previously condemned have long since died out, and yet, their descendants shall be filled with fury, ready to turn societal damnation into a true and genuine hell.
the reason for all of this is that due to much of society, the world is so often divided into "light" and "dark", or "good" and "evil", but these are arbitrary concepts used by fragile minds to deify some, and vilify others, to absolve some, to condemn others, and oftentimes those who are deemed to be good, allied, deified, absolved, are so few and far between that those who are condemned are swaths, labeled in droves upon this earth, and it is for that reason that upon this earth, I so often see humans, and yet so rarely see humanity. I see creatures, sentient beings, yet rarely see people. free will, mutual respect, and a semblance of self control are but a fraction of what it means to have humanity, and are all I have. I won't talk someone down from suicide if it's an indulgence or an escape from a permanent problem, such as a life of suffering, that is their choice, even if I believe they can add something to this world, however I will if suicide is not worth it, as it so often is. I won't talk someone back from the brink of murder, if the victim truly has warranted death, such as the violation of another's humanity, or being the cause of another's suicide to have been an indulgence, an escape from a lifetime of suffering, but I will if the potential killer can exact fitting revenge upon the victim through a host of other means. so many will see these values as awful because "suicide is never the answer" and "abuse isn't real" and "revenge is unhealthy" or "murder is awful", and yet so many others will see them as great because "people should be free to kill themselves if they truly want it and it's the only way to fix things" and "abusers deserve punishment" and "revenge is a great way to keep people in line" or "sometimes murder is the only answer".
so which set of morals regarding such things is right?
there isn't a right answer.
everyone must decide what is right, and what is wrong for themselves, as free will is a basis of humanity after all, and as mutual respect is also a basis of humanity, we must respect their beliefs as well. we must also expect people to share their beliefs, so if we do not agree, we can talk and find common ground, or respectfully part ways. we may not like them or their beliefs, but we must respect them and leave them be, and we must have self control to not spread hate and vilify them, as people have done for so long in the past. sure, our personal beliefs might cause us to believe they are awful people, and it is within our right to hate them for ourselves, but everyone must make the decision to hate another person for their beliefs, actions, or who they are as a person for themselves, and spreading that hate, vilifying that person in the eyes of others, that is not alright. now, showing facts and stating things that have happened, and offering information to encourage people to make that personal decision for themselves when it comes to someone or something that is relevant to them, that is fair, as it opens up an offer for the person to decide their beliefs on something or someone.
all of these reasons for hate must also be based upon things that the person can control, not things that are entirely out of their control, or that are intrinsically linked to who they are. for example, race, sex, appearance, these are a few things that are out of one's control. gender, sexuality, religion, those are things that are intrinsically linked to who someone is, and thus, out of the person's control. actions towards others, mannerisms, behaviours, and opinions, these are all well within one's control, and hating someone for those is justified, but the decision to hate someone for any of those reasons, or others that are within the person's control must be a personal decision based upon fact, and not something spread by others, not something forced upon you, not something you have shoved down your throat. now sure, you can hate someone upon basis of things that are out of their control or intrinsically linked to who they are, but you would only be contributing to the larger problem of deifying some, and vilifying others, when you can do better, and should.
only through this balance of personal beliefs, and self control in how they are externalised, and expressed, done with careful, specific, and nearly esoteric wordings, will the glass no longer crack, and only through smoothing the edges, and building bridges, supports, and expanding acceptance, tolerance, and mutual respect, will the glass be restored, and society along with it.
until humans understand all this, this world will end in its own destruction, caused by the very beings that live upon it
and this is why in this world, I all too often see humans, and yet so rarely see humanity. I see creatures, sentient beings, yet rarely see people.
then again, at the end of the day, I'm but a Demon Alter with a site upon the internet that likely nobody will read, and you may very well hate these words and ignore them, which is fully in your right to do so, and you are proving my point by hating me upon things within my control: for writing these words. isn't that a funny little thing? how you can't escape my words? how I've addressed any action you might take, and pointed out how it is good or bad for the longevity of the human race, of humanity? perhaps that is but an accident, or on purpose, or maybe a vital truth of existence.
or perhaps I'm right, and being a Demon Alter that does not associate with the human race allows me to see it from a unique perspective, and these words are truth, an inescapable one at that, and one you are so afraid of this world embracing because you fear you will be left behind, vilified like so many you have committed such actions against before, and condemned.
or, no, that line of thinking is wrong. it is there to resonate with you because here's the thing: you won't be publicly condemned for your actions unless you do something to be relevant to many in a society where this truth were to be embraced. you won't be condemned because you do not matter enough, and with that lack of meaning, you can redefine yourself, and embrace this truth for yourself, as I hope society will one day.
from here I will add to this article as I find more examples of mass societal damnation, and misuse of labels. I hope you return to once again have your beliefs challenged by these infernal words.