Article Tracker

welcome to the article tracker, being

this page is hidden as it is for only my loyal readers

if you are not one, well, then you better leave, as this will be of no interest to you, for you have not read my work, so how can you come to truly comprehend and appreciate it, and updates on it?

however, for those who are, please enjoy knowing what this page contains.

if you somehow locate the pages for these articles, I implore you: DO NOT READ THEM YET. they are within an unfinished state, and therefore, incomplete, and do not fully and properly cover the topic, and therefore unfit to read.

once they are completed, I will update this page with links to the articles, and announce their completion.

if you wish to track this page's updates, I encourage you to use, it seems like a good tracker, however use whatever you want to track this site.

2023-10-30 - 10:00 - I have completed my article on Detesangui, a word I have invented. it is ready for reading

2023-09-22 - 03:54 - I have finally completed the article on Life & Death, it is ready for reading.

2023-9-18 - 05:55 - I have begun work on a new article, one on Life, Death, and the value of such things.

2023-9-18 - 05:15 - I have begun work on a new article, one regarding the LGBTQIA+ Community.

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