
you may be wondering what the word that is the title of this page is, and, well, it is one I have invented. now before you read this page, read Labels; Good & Evil, as it is a rather precursory article to this one, and has many concepts and much information you will require to understand this one. and you should also read my article Life & Death prior to reading this one as well.

have you read those? and are you ready to move forward and have your beliefs challenged by the infernal words contained herein? well, then read on.

first we shall start with the definition of the word, derived directly from the Urban Dictionary entry I wrote on it


a made up word to describe someone bigoted, derived from the Latin words "detestabilis", meaning "hateful" and "sanguisuga" meaning "leech".

can be used in response to the use of slurs as a means of calling the person out.


person one: "oh you're a fucking [insert slur]"

person two: "oh shush you detesangui, nobody wants to hear your bigotry"

this word is one I invented to be a white hot tool, just as societal damnation is. you may be wondering how that works, and well, for those whose wits are sharp, here is why: if the bigots are allowed to damn the people of other races, damn the LGBTQIA+ community, to damn people of native tribes, to damn anyone and everyone that is not part of their concept of "a better human" or "a good human", to burn away the differences of others, then they will destroy minorities, they will destroy differences between people, and then the mild differences between the haters will grow ever more intense and clear, and eventually, they will start to in fight, to burn and char one another, and once that is complete, this cycle will repeat, and they will destroy themselves, cursing humanity to extinction, cursing humans to cease to exist, cursing themselves to become nothing but ash upon a broken world

this cannot be allowed to happen.

and I intend to turn the tide of the flames with this word: detesangui

in a fair and just society we must be intolerant of intolerance, so bigots who want us dead should not be allowed. now this is not to say difference of opinion isn't allowed, but if you don't like trans people, simply avoid them and be respectful and show them the most basic respect as you would any other if you need to interact with them. same applies to any minority you may dislike, whether it be someone from the LGBTQIA+ community, someone of another race, or another religion, or any other minority, because so long as you show basic respect and do not harm society or the person you dislike, you will be fine, and society should not cast you out. that said, if someone acts in a way to forfeit rights to such respect such as harming you, committing crimes, etc, things that are clearly intentional, you shall have full rights to act in response, though these decisions will always be victims to context, and such contexts must be analysed carefully in each situation, before one responds. however, when you are intolerant of those people who are different, and wish to exterminate the minorities you see as less than, then you should be cast out as by doing so, by wishing to exterminate them, you have forfeited your right to not being a target for extermination, just as if you attempt to kill someone, you forfeit your life to said person, just like the concept explained in my article Life & Death, and so, we must be intolerant of intolerance, and that is what I have created this word for, and intend it to be used for:
being intolerant of intolerance, and calling out bigots, by any and all minorities, no matter whom is being targeted, to turn the burning tide of societal damnation in the favor of a diverse and just society that shows basic respect to everyone who does not forfeit that right with their actions.

and so, to those who use this word, or find it interesting: share it, like it, share my articles, my words, my concepts, etc, use this word to fight the social cancer that is intolerant bigotry, and turn the tide of societal damnation, let this word be used by those of us who are hated for our differences, let it be a sharp, venomous knife, used to cut out the hearts of those who dare be intolerant of others for their differences, let this word be the first scalpel of many in a social movement to rip out the cancer that is bigotry from our society. I implore you, let this word start a wildfire, and let that fire burn away any and all hate, and leave behind only those who can be respectful, and part of a society that accepts differences, even if we may not like them, but one that does not wish to destroy those who are different, because even the most deadly wildfires to not harm the mighty redwood tree, with its unique shapes and sizes, towering to great heights, even flourishing in the flames by releasing seeds to expand and grow, so be as the redwood, unique and special, and unapologetically yourself, and someone who can show respect to others, and if you do not like them, merely grow away and avoid them, and tell them to avoid you, growing in opposite directions instead of attempting to choke one another out.