Double Sided Coins

the above image is of our coin that we carry with us everywhere we go.

it is a charm, a symbol, a reminder, a grounding item, among many other things.

it has value because we assign the value to it.


the world is much like this.

life is meaningless, until you assign value to it.


this article will cover two-sided arguments, both sides of which I have been privy to in the third person.

if you are easily offended, or hold your so called "morals" and "values" tightly still, even after the warning on the homepage of this manifesto, this is your formal warning to click away now before I strip even those from out of your desperate grasp.

the first duality of arguments upon this infernal page of my manifesto are as follows:

"men are all creeps and bad" : to : "women can manipulate social situations against a man"

you might say "but argument X is just facts, and argument Y is bullshit, they're not opposites because one of them is meaningless", and to you I say this: these words have value, both phrases, just as both sides of a coin do, and they have value because society has assigned value to them, even you assign value to one of them, however you are cursedly narrow-minded for such an action because they are two sides of the same coin, the same concept, the same idea, the same form of hate that is sexism, and your separation of them is but a delusion. now discard this belief, and press on, be brave, and truly attempt to understand this, or get off my website until your ignorant cowardice subsides.


are you still here? well then. let's continue.

to address the latter phrase, "women can manipulate a social situation against men", yes. this is true. this is true of anyone. anyone can be manipulative, anyone can frame a situation how they want, and anyone who does such a thing is a manipulative prick. are they "just like every other woman"? NO. and I am enraged and disappointed I feel the need to ask any readers this question. anyone can be manipulative, and those people are typically called snakes, because they slither and slide and squirm their way out of things, and frame things, so if you come across a person doing this, don't be sexist, instead, call them what they are: a manipulative snake. be articulate in your language, and use that articulation to truly, and deathly insult others, just as this manifesto is worded with such intensity, and aggressively destroys readers' ideas and views, use that same intensity while utilizing the full expanse of your language's vocabulary, and verbally destroy those you consider an enemy due to their actions. yet, do not dare to destroy someone based upon things outside their control such as gender, sexuality, religion, etc. and the reason I suggest this method of verbal destruction, is the one enemy to a manipulative person is being called out. they cannot manipulate in any effective way if people know they are acting that way.

now to address the former phrase, "men are all creeps and bad", yes. men can be creeps. anyone can be a creep. they're called creeps for a reason, because they are sneaky, and they have no conception of boundaries, or healthy communication. anyone can be like this. if you encounter someone acting creepy, such as sneaking around, trying to press past your boundaries such as photos, videos, being near you, etc, tell them you do not consent, and tell them to stop trying to press past your boundaries, or you will cut them out of your life. if they keep pressing, block all connections. if they don't get the hint, call the police, and better yet, try and set up a sting, have the cops wait near your house, and if the person follows you, have them intervene before you're home, and get a restraining order. regardless of their gender or whatever, provide evidence to the cops and tell them to see past gender stereotypes, and do their job to protect you. the reason I suggest this is because if there's a formal intervention with the police, that's great in court for a restraining order, and most creeps are only ok with acting that way if they don't get caught, because some of them actually know it's wrong if they're self aware enough. and if they're not self aware enough and think what they're doing is ok or right, after you have said it's not, there's something more wrong with them.

now why are these stereotypes a thing? people have argued over statistics of genuine rape victims against statistics of people lying in court about being a victim of rape, as one given example. they've argued over "dirty jobs" and if women could do it as good as men. they've argued over so many things that are tied to antiquated gender norms, and yet, at the end of the day, statistics can be manipulated to say whatever you want. I could say my viewership on this site has gone up 300% from my google analytics, but that means absolutely nothing if the number of readers only went from 1-3 readers. it only bears significance if it's 1,000-3,000 readers. dirty jobs are just that, JOBS, and people choose them based on their preferences. men get shit for "girly jobs" like working in a salon. girls get shit for "men's jobs" like being a soldier. and yet, both jobs? they train you. maybe the guy working at the nail salon has a disability of some sort so he'd be a liability on the battlefield as a soldier, or maybe he just picked it up as a summer job and fell in love with it, and maybe the girl who's a soldier couldn't do salon work because of the financial restrictions for training or whatever, or there being no salons near her home. you do not know these people you so often wish to judge in swaths, and you do not know their life, as it is their life, NOT YOURS.

now if we look at things, you will find many similar wordings, similar phrases, many commonalities on both sides of the issue, and those have been alluding to the fact that these issues are in fact, two sides of the same coin.

we as a society keep taking this coin and taking it from others only to flip it over in our own palm and argue our side, and point out all the little tiny details of the issue and the coin in ways that almost seem like it's a war, but it is all irrelevant as it is the same coin, and because society has attached value to it, it has value, the combined value of both groups of narrow-minded people believing one side is right

there is no right answer on one side or the other. we need to break the cycle of flipping this coin over and over only to argue our point, when in fact, nobody is in the right any more than anyone else.

the only way I see to move forward is this:

forget flipping the coin, forget arguing over it, and let an activist, a figurehead, or maybe even this article, and by extension myself, rip the coin out of the hands of the narrow-minded people squabbling like children, and roll it forward, and walk upon it, balancing upon the edge, and have everyone follow along to equality, staring wide eyed at the sight of such a thing, as in our current society, it is still foreign to many.

and yet, this is only my opinion, as is this manifesto, and you might just say "you're as wrong as everyone else", but here's the thing: how many people have skipped over the usual go to arguments and analysed both sides of the extreme, as I have here? has anyone else proposed a way forward? not that I've heard of. and objectively, as I've provided a conceptual solution, that makes me more right, someone who doesn't even identify with male or female genders.


from here I will add to this article as I find more double-sided coin issues. I hope you return to once again have your beliefs challenged by these infernal words.